Puget Sound WildCare
A Subsidiary of South Sound Critter Care
Building Awareness, Providing Care
CALL US: (360) 886-8917
Upcoming Discussions:
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Past Discusions:​
January 27, 2019 - Let's Talk About...Wildlife Terminology!
Maybe you're interested in biology and wildlife, but you're at a beginner level on the topic. Don’t know the difference between wild and feral, or what it means to domesticate something? That’s fine, everyone starts somewhere! Come hang out to chat, ask questions, and learn about some of the basics in how we talk about and interact with wildlife.
February 24, 2019 - Let's Talk About...Pigeons, Piety, Postage, and Pests!
Humans and pigeons have been living together since the days of Mesopotamia. Despite a shared history where these birds have been used as a food source, messengers, and affectionate pets, most people see pigeons as a pest species. How did we get here?
March 31st, 2019 - Let's Talk About...Extinction Trends in Modern Times!
What causes extinction? In what ways can, and do, humans impact the survivability of other species? What lessons can we learn from the fate of the passenger pigeon? In this discussion, we'll go over the effects of human activities on the ecosystem.